Leveraging customer insights to deliver personalised ecommerce experiences.
–Michelle Hodgson, digital optimisation manager, Holland & Barrett
Holland & Barrett offers a large variety of customisable health & wellness products and packages. The multifaceted nature of the retailer’s offerings and variety of customer personas made tracking customer journeys overwhelming. H&B needed in-depth visibility and insight to satisfy the needs of its customers.
H&B captures customer feedback through in-page widgets and omnichannel surveys and shares the detailed insight with key stakeholders across the organisation.
Using GetFeedback’s customisable in-page widgets, H&B gathers real-time feedback to discover bugs and UX issues that prevent customers from making a purchase. By fixing a specific UX issue, H&B has seen improved conversion rates.
Data from GetFeedback guides price and positioning. H&B found that customers doubted the nutritional value of their Healthbox subscription. By adding nutritionist testimonials, H&B built credibility and drastically increased conversions.
Every team at H&B uses customer feedback to optimise user journeys. With GetFeedback, H&B sets up automated emails to stakeholders with customised information that provides each team member with role-specific action items.
GetFeedback serves as a guide for improvement in the customer experience, equipping every team at H&B with actionable data. H&B manages, tests and iterates enhancements specific to individual buyer personas, ultimately creating stronger and more personalised purchasing experiences.
Get your CX programme up and running in days, not months.
*Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.